Friday, May 17, 2013

Health Care in Costa Rica

Costa Rica has universal health care provided through the government through the Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (CCSS), and it is available to all citizens. Foreign residents and visitors can join the CCSS by paying a small monthly fee based on their income.

A wide variety of medicine in Costa Rica is available without prescription. Many health problems can be diagnosed by pharmacists, so hospital visits are not a real necessity unless surgery is required.

As a result of such a good health care program, the life expectancy for Costa Ricans is 79 years old. Costa Rica has the second highest life expectancy, second only to Canada. Many people do choose to retire in Costa Rica though, so I wonder if that is why the life expectancy is so high.

I wonder what it would be like if the United States adopted such a health plan.


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