Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Costa Rican Indigenous Peoples

There are a few indigenous tribes in Costa Rica

Boruca - The tribe has about 2,660 members and they live on reservation in southwestern Costa Rica

Chorotega (The MatambĂș) -Fled to Costa Rica from southern Mexico, related to the Mayans.

Guaymi (The Ngabe) - These are near the Panama border and are the tribe with the most people with 200,000 - 250,000 estimated.

Bribri - 12,200 people were recorded in 2000, but the numbers are thought to have gone up to 35,000.

From Wikipedia "The Bribri social structure is organized in Clans. Each clan is composed of an extended family. The clan system is matrilineal, that is, a child's clan is determined by the clan his or her mother belongs to. This gives women a very important place in Bribri society since they are the only ones that can inherit land and prepare the sacred cacao (Theobrma cacao) drink that is essential for their rituals. Men's roles are defined by their clan, and often are exclusive for men. Examples of these roles are the "awa" or shaman, and the "oko", the only person allowed to touch the remains of the dead, sing funeral songs, and prepare the food eaten at funerals."

 All these indigenous tribes together only make up 1% of Costa Rica's population.

Today, Costa Ricans are largely of European descent and an estimated 10% of the country’s population is Nicaraguan. Local indigenous tribes – Boruca, Chorotega, Guaymi, Bribri, Kekoldi and Cabecar – account for a mere 1% of the total population.  - See more at: http://costarica.com/travel/10-interesting-facts/#sthash.Cn2Hy4W5.dpuf
Today, Costa Ricans are largely of European descent and an estimated 10% of the country’s population is Nicaraguan. Local indigenous tribes – Boruca, Chorotega, Guaymi, Bribri, Kekoldi and Cabecar – account for a mere 1% of the total population.  - See more at: http://costarica.com/travel/10-interesting-facts/#sthash.Cn2Hy4W5.dpuf
Today, Costa Ricans are largely of European descent and an estimated 10% of the country’s population is Nicaraguan. Local indigenous tribes – Boruca, Chorotega, Guaymi, Bribri, Kekoldi and Cabecar – account for a mere 1% of the total population.  - See more at: http://costarica.com/travel/10-interesting-facts/#sthash.Cn2Hy4W5.dpuf
Today, Costa Ricans are largely of European descent and an estimated 10% of the country’s population is Nicaraguan. Local indigenous tribes – Boruca, Chorotega, Guaymi, Bribri, Kekoldi and Cabecar – account for a mere 1% of the total population.  - See more at: http://costarica.com/travel/10-interesting-facts/#sthash.Cn2Hy4W5.dpuf

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